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About Sanas

Sanas is a wellness business that offers classes, experiences and treatments based on the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether.. The founder, Rhiannon Wynn, is passionate about helping people connect with their bodies and minds through yoga, bodywork, breathwork, and guided snorkeling and SCUBA. Her aim is to create a safe and welcoming space for individuals to explore their own wellness journey and discover what works best for them.

Yoga in Bamboo House
Sand in a soothing healing pattern with 2 small stones as if in a zen garden


Sanas Wellness logo icon of the earth element

nurture. abundance. grounded.

candles grouped together with the flames burning
Sanas Wellness logo icon of the fire element


joy, creativity, transformation.

The sky with sparse calming clouds


Sanas Wellness logo icon of the air element

change. adaptation. assimilation.

clear calm turquoise water
Sanas Wellness logo icon of the water element


flow. emotions. stillness.

the galaxy and the stars shining


Sanas Holistic Wellness logo icon of the space element

vision. direction. planning. 

cropped person in a Meditation pose sucasana with a singing bowl on a yoga mat

My Approach

SANAS is my believe in a holistic approach to wellness that takes into consideration the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of my clients. Services and treatments are designed to help individuals feel grounded, balanced, and rejuvenated. Whether you're looking for a healing bodywork experience, an energetic yoga class, a transformative breathwork session, or an opportunity to connect to play and flow, I'm dedicated to helping you thrive.  Come see me and let me help you connect you to your own healing potential.

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